Cherri Pancake

The Heidelberg Laureate Forum has a single purpose: To provide some of the brightest minds in mathematics and computer science with the space and time to make connections and find inspiration. The HLFF Spotlight series shines a light on some of the brilliant individuals attending the event.

Cherri Pancake is the former President of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) and recently retired from Oregon State University’s School of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science. She is also a member of the HLFF Inspiring Minds Expert Board.

What is HLFF Inspiring Minds and why is it such an important program?

It’s a program to provide HLF alumni with ongoing opportunities to engage with each other and with leaders in their profession. Anyone who has attended HLF can register as a member, which gives them access to podcasts, webinars, and interactive sessions with laureates and other professional leaders – not just the ones they met at the HLF, but also those who have attended later sessions. Alumni can also connect with each other, and professional mentors are made available. My personal favorite program is a series of interactive Q&A and group coaching sessions that deal with key opportunities and challenges faced by early-career professionals.

What is the most exciting or meaningful development happening in the computing world today and why?

If I have to pick just one, it’s how our profession is expanding to include people trained in other disciplines. They bring new perspectives on what the big challenges are and how to go about addressing them. I’ve always gotten my best ideas when working with others who think very differently, but most computing education, conferences, and project teams were limited to people with computing backgrounds. That kind of situation limits creativity. I think the growing emphasis on data science and the application of machine learning is generating a wealth of new ideas that will really enrich our field.

What do you enjoy most about attending the Heidelberg Laureate Forum every year?

That’s easy! What is truly exceptional about the HLF is the amazing conversations I get to have with young professionals. The process for being selected to attend is extremely competitive, but always results in a fantastic range of people from all over the world. Each one is involved in interesting work and is excited about what they’re doing. Talking with them about their work and hearing them talk with the laureates is enlightening – but it’s also just plain fun to see the attendees meet and interact with their peers.