10th HLF – Highlights, Friday, September 29
On the final day of the Heidelberg Laureate Forum, the attendees travelled to the SAP campus in nearby St. Leon-Rot for a day packed with an exciting lecture and panels. We have collected some impressions of the final day in our Snapshots video above.
Fields Medalist Hugo Duminil-Copin kicked off the day with an engaging lecture on "Critical Phenomena Through the Lens of the Ising Model". This was followed by two fascinating panel discussions focusing on one of the most pressing topics in computer science: AI. The first examined generative AI, such as Large Language Models (LLMs) in greater detail, while the second dove into ethical ramifications surrounding the technology.
The afternoon brought together young researchers with computer scientists and mathematicians from business and academia to gain valuable insights into career paths available to them in the future, and guidance on how to achieve their goals.
To close out the final day of the 10th Heidelberg Laureate Forum, the attendees arrived at Heidelberg Castle for a guided tour and the traditional Farewell Dinner.
As always, select photos from this day can be found on our Flickr page.
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