11th HLF – Highlights, Monday, September 23

The first full day of the 11th Heidelberg Laureate Forum has ended and we have collected some of the day’s highlights. Check them out in the Snapshots video above!

Monday kicked off with a number of engaging program points: In the morning, Alexei Efros, recipient of the 2016 ACM Prize in Computing, gave an insightful lecture entitled “Are We (Still!) Not Giving Data Enough Credit?” – stressing the importance of large visual data for human and computer vision.

Afterwards, nine different laureates from mathematics and computer science held rapid-fire Lightning Talks of 5 minutes each on a variety of subjects.

After a break, the Lindau Lecture, held each year at the HLF to mark the strong connection between the Forum and the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings, was held by Nobel Prize recipient and physicist Konstantin S. Novoselov, who spoke about graphene and more "Materials for the Future.”

Finally, all attendees received an opportunity to meet and interact with each other: First through a rapid speed-networking session, and later on in the Poster Flash, where the Young Researchers were able to present their own research to the audience.

As always, select photos from this day can be found on our Flickr page.

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