Congratulations to 2022 ACM Prize in Computing Recipient, Yael Tauman Kalai!

We would like to congratulate the 2022 ACM Prize in Computing recipient, Yael Tauman Kalai, who is being recognized "for breakthroughs in verifiable delegation of computation and fundamental contributions to cryptography."

Kalai’s contributions include methods of producing succinct proofs that enable the offloading of computation from weak to strong devices in a way that can be efficiently checked for correctness. This approach has helped overcome key obstacles in blockchain scalability, allowing for faster and more reliable transactions. Kalai's research has provided key definitions, concepts and techniques to this domain.

Kalai has also made breakthroughs in the security of the Fiat-Shamir paradigm and co-pioneered the field of leakage resilient cryptography. Her extensive work in cryptography has helped shape modern cryptographic practices and provided a strong foundation for further advancements. ACM President Yannis Ioannidis praised Kalai's work as addressing complex problems whose solutions open new directions for the field, particularly in keeping small computers secure from potentially malicious cloud servers.

The ACM Prize in Computing will be formally presented to Yael Tauman Kalai at the annual ACM Awards Banquet on June 10.
