HLF Daily Recap – Friday
On the final day of the Heidelberg Laureate Forum, the attendees travelled to the SAP campus in nearby St. Leon-Rot for a day packed with an exciting panel and lecture.
First off was ACM Prize in Computing recipient Shwetak Patel, who gave a lecture on “Computing for the Social Good” where he highlighted examples of how computing was driving new scientific discoveries across multiple disciplines, and was being utilized as a force for the general welfare of society.
Subsequently, a panel convened to discuss “Post-Quantum Cryptography, Why is it Important Now?” The panel assembled three Turing Award recipients, Vinton G. Cerf, Whitfield Diffie and Adi Shamir, as well as Vadim Lyubashevsky and Gregor Seiler, principal research scientist and research scientist respectively at IBM Research Group, Zurich. Moderated by Tom Geller, the panel explored the importance of preparing quantum-safe cryptography today, before the currently deployed public key cryptography becomes obsolete.
The afternoon brought together young researchers with computer scientists and mathematicians from business and academia to gain valuable insights into career paths available to them in the future, and guidance on how to achieve their goals.
To close out the final day of the forum, the attendees gathered at Heidelberg Castle for a guided tour and the traditional Farewell Dinner.
Official photos can be found on the HLF’s Flickr account.
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