HLF Daily Recap – Thursday

Day four of the HLF started by shifting the conversation somewhat away from one on the science itself and rather towards the obstacles facing the world of science communication. The panel – entitled “Communication in Crisis? Exploring New Methods of Science Communication for Mathematics and Computer Science and How to Rebuild Trust with the Public” – featured Yann LeCun (ACM A.M. Turing Award 2018), Anil Ananthaswamy (science writer and author), Eugenia Cheng (Scientist in Residence at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago) and Anna-Maria Hartkopf (Project manager, MIP.labor) and was moderated by journalist Eva Wolfangel.

The panelists discussed the general crisis of trust in the media, which has had a significant impact on science journalism in particular, but also the difficulty of effectively communicating complex subject matter to a general audience in an effective and transparent manner. Central to the debate were effective strategies to overcome such obstacles, such as harnessing new reporting methods to help shape public discourse and improve upon achieving the goals of science communication.

Next up on stage was Jack J. Dongarra (ACM A.M. Turing Award 2021), who held a lecture on “A Not So Simple Matter of Software”, where he examined how high performance computing had changed over the last 40 years and what impact these changes were likely to have in the future.

The afternoon’s program saw young researchers pair off into groups with some of the laureates in order to have the opportunity to interact in small group settings.

Finally, the young researchers attended workshops on a variety of issues, ranging from “Tutorials on Multimodal Machine Learning”, over “Design Thinking” to “How to Build Your Career Strategy as a Researcher.”

The evening saw attendees dress up in traditional garb from their home countries for the ever-beloved “Bavarian Evening”, which featured folklore, dancing as well as the traditional tapping of the keg.

Official photos can be found on the HLF’s Flickr account.

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