New Chair to lead Board of the Heidelberg Laureate Forum Foundation

Rafael Lang elected new Chairperson of the Board

The Foundation Council of the Heidelberg Laureate Forum Foundation (HLFF) has unanimously elected the physicist Prof. Dr. Rafael Lang to be the new Chairperson of the HLFF’s Board. Lang assumed the office on June 1, 2023 and succeeds Beate Spiegel, who stepped down from the position on May 31, 2023. He will now lead the HLFF along with Scientific Chairperson Prof. Dr. Anna Wienhard as well as Managing Director Ruth Wetzlar.

A professor of physics and astronomy, Rafael Lang has been Managing Director of the German foundation Klaus Tschira Stiftung (KTS) since May 2023. The KTS founded the HLFF in 2013 and continues to provide funding for it to this day. Lang heads the research section of the KTS and looks forward to harnessing the potential of both the KTS as well its affiliated organizations in order to better support research in the natural sciences.

Anna Wienhard extended her congratulations: “I am delighted that we were able to find such a renowned scientist with so many ideas and such creative potential for this position. His dual positions as Managing Director of the KTS and Chairperson of the HLFF will help maintain the close connection between both foundations which is so valuable and important for our work.” Wienhard also expressed her gratitude towards the previous Chairperson, Beate Spiegel, for her years of dedicated work and commitment towards the foundation’s goals: “Beate Spiegel was essential to the Heidelberg Laureate Forum and the HLFF’s outreach activities from the very beginning and was instrumental to their success.”

This year, the HLFF celebrates its 10-year anniversary with the 10th Heidelberg Laureate Forum (HLF) taking place in September. A fitting moment, Rafael Lang said, for his own start at the foundation: “A lot has happened within the HLFF in the last 10 years. The Mathematics Informatics Station has become a very popular location for many to visit exhibitions and engage in activities related to mathematics and computer science. I am really excited for the Heidelberg Laureate Forum this fall. The Forum is an extraordinary experience – especially for young researchers – and has become a permanent fixture in the world of mathematics and computer science. I am very pleased to have the opportunity to help shape this event.”

Heidelberg Laureate Forum Foundation
The Heidelberg Laureate Forum Foundation (HLFF) organizes the Heidelberg Laureate Forum (HLF), a networking conference where 200 outstanding young researchers in mathematics and computer science interact with recipients of the most renowned prizes in the fields. Another primary focus of the HLFF is turning the public’s attention toward mathematics and computer science, not only to awaken but to strengthen their interest through events and exhibitions held in the Mathematics Informatics Station (MAINS). The HLFF was founded and is funded by the German foundation Klaus Tschira Stiftung, which supports the natural sciences, mathematics and computer science.